
Explore Calling Over Lunch

Join me on 4th Tuesdays each month (EXCEPT August) at 12:30 pm at The Potter’s House to explore calling.  

Calling is a sense that something bigger than you invites you to greater purpose; that risk and trust are required; and that saying yes will ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of self.  Part of exploring calling is understanding what it means to you.  How broad or narrow is it?  What areas of life does it touch? What has grabbed you?

Join others to explore calling by sharing experiences, gifts, and desires.  Honor stories, questions, insights, faith, and doubt.  Welcome how your sense of call might open you – and others – to something greater.  These discussions have no rules or requirements.  All are welcome. 

The Potter’s House reopened earlier this year after an extensive remodeling of its coffeehouse, bookstore, and community space.  Founded by the Church of the Saviour five decades ago, it is a unique place where faith, culture, politics, justice, and more converge.  

In addition to my 4th Tuesday discussions on “Exploring Calling,” you may be interested in others:

1st Tuesdays: Dismantling Racism with On the Damascus Road
2nd Tuesdays: On the Way with Inward/Outward 
3rd Tuesdays: Faith and Money Network
4th Tuesdays: Exploring Calling with Being with Between

May you find special places like this to explore what needs attention.